ImageProcessing.ArtemBurashnikov 1.0.0

How to add your own custom filter kernels

Extending the library is one of the main features of the project. It is as easy as modifying several files. Though, adding custom pixel manipulation logic could prove some challenge. We will take a look at how to add custom kernels that do not involve an advanced logic.


Make sure the following requirements are installed on your system:

General project structure

By default the project's structure looks like this:

├── ...
├── Agent.fs
├── FilterKernel.fs
├── GPUDevice.fs
├── GPUKernel.fs
├── ImageProcessing.fs
├── Logging.fs
├── Transformation.fs
├── RunStrategy.fs
├── Streaming.fs
├── Main.fs
└── ...

Custom filter kernels for CPU and GPU

To add your own filters you will have to modify FilterKernel.fs as well as Transformation.fs files.

Let's add identity filter that takes an original input and outputs it without any modifications to pixel data.

1) Define a new kernel matrix inside a FilterKernel.fs. Let's call it identitykernel:

let identityKernel =
    [| [| 1; 0; 0; 0; 0 |]
       [| 0; 1; 0; 0; 0 |]
       [| 0; 0; 1; 0; 0 |]
       [| 0; 0; 0; 1; 0 |]
       [| 0; 0; 0; 0; 1 |] |]
    |> ( float32)
    |> array2D

2) Extend the Transformation type inside the Transformation.fs by appending a new union case. Let us add Identity union case to it:

type Transformation =
    | ...
    | Identity

3) Lastly, define a parsing rule inside the same Transformation.fs that will parse a console input to a function to be applied to a pixel data. For that you will have to modify getTsfCPU:

let getTsfCPU threads =
    | ...
    | Identity -> CPU.applyTransform threads (EditType.Transformation identityKernel)

and getTsfGPU functions:

let getTsfGPU (clContext: ClContext) localWorkSize =
    | ...
    | Identity -> GPU.applyTransform clContext localWorkSize (EditType.Transformation identityKernel)

And that is all. Now identity can be used as an argument in a console.

Adding your own transformations that do not involve kernel matrices is an advanced topic. You can take a look at ImageProcessing.fs inside your project. Several transformations are already defined there.

module Array from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val map: mapping: ('T -> 'U) -> array: 'T array -> 'U array
Multiple items
val float32: value: 'T -> float32 (requires member op_Explicit)

type float32 = System.Single

type float32<'Measure> = float32
val array2D: rows: #('T seq) seq -> 'T array2d