ImageProcessing.ArtemBurashnikov 1.0.0

Streaming Module

Provides functions for processing a sequence of image files using different run strategies.

Functions and values

Function or value Description

listAllFiles dir

Full Usage: listAllFiles dir

    dir : string - The directory path.

Returns: string[] A sequence of file paths.

Lists all files in a directory.

dir : string

The directory path.

Returns: string[]

A sequence of file paths.

processAllFiles runStrategy threads files outDir transformations

Full Usage: processAllFiles runStrategy threads files outDir transformations

    runStrategy : RunStrategy - The run strategy to use.
    threads : uint - The number of threads or agents to use for processing.
    files : string seq - The sequence of image file paths to process.
    outDir : string - The output directory for saving processed images.
    transformations : Transformation list - The image transformations to apply.

Processes a sequence of image files using the specified run strategy and transformations.

runStrategy : RunStrategy

The run strategy to use.

threads : uint

The number of threads or agents to use for processing.

files : string seq

The sequence of image file paths to process.

outDir : string

The output directory for saving processed images.

transformations : Transformation list

The image transformations to apply.